Gym For The Brain celebrates Earth Month (April) and Mental Health Month (May) with Promotion

Gym For The Brain (, a Florida-based brain/body enhancement center that includes high-altitude EWOT (exercise with oxygen therapy) and six other enhancement tools, recently renewed its Edenark Group ISO 14001 environmental sustainability certification (which includes a wellness component) through 2023 and has decided to celebrate Earth Month (April) and Mental Health Month (May) by providing [...]

2023-04-16T16:51:28-04:00April 20th, 2023|

Is your company greenwashing?

97% of large companies have sustainability departments; but many have internally-constructed, non-global-standard-aligned, non-scalable, non-3rd-party-audited, sustainability programs.  Many of these programs were created to ‘look good’ but not designed to survive the stress test of external accountability. SMEs have it worse.  Less than 1% of SMEs have sustainability programs of any kind. As consumer/client (B2B and [...]

2023-04-15T19:07:35-04:00April 18th, 2023|

Podcast Video – Using Sustainability Certification to Differentiate

Leading Peers asked Edenark Group CEO, David Goodman, to give this masterclass webinar on Using Sustainability Certification to Differentiate. We hope you find it beneficial for future decisions for your organization. Should you have questions, please contact us here.

2023-04-13T17:02:09-04:00April 17th, 2023|

Are you part of a supply chain? If so, prepare for sustainability compliance audits.

As we have reported for some time, and as this article explains, if you are part of a supply chain, prepare for your clients to conduct due diligence audits to confirm your environmental sustainability commitment and compliance. Just saying you are sustainable is not going to satisfy the compliance audits by your clients, as they [...]

2023-04-15T18:58:04-04:00April 16th, 2023|

Gym For The Brain has renewed its Environmental Sustainability Certification through 2023

Gym For The Brain ( a Florida-based brain/body enhancement center that includes high-altitude EWOT (exercise with oxygen training) and six other enhancement tools, has renewed its environmental sustainability commitment by extending its Edenark Group ISO 14001 sustainability certification through 2023. The Edenark Group ISO 14001 is the world’s premier environmental sustainability certification program and allows [...]

2023-04-09T15:57:26-04:00April 14th, 2023|

Why an Authentic Sustainability Strategy Will Win the Talent War

As this article explains, the seismic changes to people’s lives wrought by COVID, the climate emergency and the cost-of-living crisis have all reshaped the demands employees are making on the companies they work for. Per a 2020 study, 83% of workers believed their employer was doing too little to address climate change and 65% of [...]

2023-04-09T08:25:50-04:00April 13th, 2023|

What is your company doing that consumers want to hear about and the media wants to talk about?

Another news service, Financial Content, has picked up the story of 5AM Global, d/b/a BREATHE! Convention, pursuing the Edenark Group ISO 14001 environmental sustainability certification. Consumers want to hear that your company is a good corporate citizen and the media wants to talk about it. What are you currently doing in your company that consumers [...]

2023-04-07T16:20:38-04:00April 12th, 2023|

83% of SMEs say Sustainability / ESG is a high priority, but only 37% have a roadmap

The study in this article is consistent with what we are hearing all over the world. Asian SMEs in the study want to increase their sustainability and ESG actions – To comply with regulations To attract talent To boost revenues To please stakeholders And….to do the right thing But, like companies all over the world, [...]

2023-04-04T17:59:35-04:00April 9th, 2023|

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