80% of Consumers Disbelieve your Sustainability Claims that are not 3rd Party Verified/Certified

In a study consistent with other studies we have seen, WWD reports that   80% of consumers DISBELIEVE a company’s sustainability claims when not supported by a 3rd party certification or validation 83% of consumers BELIEVE a company’s sustainability claims when supported by a valid 3rd party certification/validation   If you are spending the time [...]

2023-06-12T14:04:56-04:00June 16th, 2023|

Sustainability Strategies Deliver Revenue Growth

Per this new study by The Capgemini Research Institute, 73% of organizations that implemented sustainable design strategies enjoyed improved revenue growth, 70% enjoyed improved customer satisfaction, 79% enjoyed improved employee engagement, and 67% saw reduced carbon emissions. Further, although sustainability is perceived as costly, the majority experienced no increase in cost. If you are a [...]

2023-06-11T18:07:55-04:00June 15th, 2023|

Why Sustainability Matters for Entrepreneurs

Per this article in Entrepreneur, consumers expect businesses to match their values, showing a preference for ethical brands that are climate-friendly, supportive of social justice causes and champions of diversity.   According to a global study discussed in the article   85% of all people surveyed altered their purchases toward more sustainable goods in the [...]

2023-06-10T10:53:56-04:00June 13th, 2023|

Edenark Group: Helping SMEs Use Sustainability to Differentiate and Grow

Overall Benefit from being Environmentally Certified Sustainable via a Globally-Respected Program   You are doing the right thing for the planet Government compliance Satisfy client, consumer, employee, investor, lender, demand Lower costs Enhanced hiring and retention of top talent Certified sustainable companies are growing up to 20x faster than their non-certified peers   Unlocking the [...]

2023-06-12T03:38:59-04:00June 12th, 2023|

In Search of Sunrise – Episode 4

Edenark Group has a relationship with OneBlueOcean and the CEOs of the two companies are friends. OneBlueOcean is pursuing a noble cause and is doing wonderful work.  If you have a passion for our oceans, they are an organization you should know. We occasionally share some of the videos produced by OneBlueOcean. Here is Episode [...]

2023-06-08T19:29:51-04:00June 10th, 2023|

EU Parliament Expands Corporate Sustainability Obligations

Per this article, on June 1 2023, the EU Parliament adopted an amendment to the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive of 2022. The proposed rules expand companies' due diligence obligations beyond their own activities to include their value-chain-including suppliers as well as any entities related to sale, distribution or transportation. Covered companies would have to [...]

2023-06-08T10:45:53-04:00June 9th, 2023|

ExpandOS Will Pursue Sustainability Certification, Carbon Neutrality and ESG Compliance

Transformation Packaging LLC (TPL) of Hebron, OH, makes ExpandOS (https://expandos.com/), a sustainably sourced, paper-based protective packaging material that replaces bubble cushioning and foam.  Gulfstream Aerospace, Cummins Diesel, Epson, and many other companies in automotive, ceramics, glass, and tableware industries have turned away from single-use plastics and adopted ExpandOS to protect their valuable products during shipment.  [...]

2023-06-07T12:11:04-04:00June 7th, 2023|

Sustainability Certification is a Powerful, and Financially Beneficial, Competitive Differentiation Tool for SMEs

As reported in a study by the Symbola Foundation, an environmental sustainability certification brings benefits in operations, financial performance, customer relations, vendor relations, community relations and government relations. Reviewing certified SMEs versus non-certified, it reported that environmentally certified sustainable SMEs grew 20x their non-certified peers.  This included a +75% revenue growth differential for certified sustainable [...]

2023-06-06T10:41:46-04:00June 7th, 2023|

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