World Environment Day Question – What are your obligations to Vanuatu?

Vanuatu is a tropical island nation in the South Pacific.  They have declared a climate emergency due to the impact of global warming – fearing rising sea levels and severe weather will destroy the nation.   First question – Are the polluting countries of the world responsible? Per this article, the United Nations General Assembly [...]

2023-06-02T16:15:44-04:00June 5th, 2023|

In Search of Sunrise – Episode 3

Edenark Group has a relationship with OneBlueOcean and the CEOs of the two companies are friends. OneBlueOcean is pursuing a noble cause and is doing wonderful work.  If you have a passion for our oceans, they are an organization you should know. We occasionally share some of the videos produced by OneBlueOcean. Here is Episode [...]

2023-05-27T06:46:39-04:00June 3rd, 2023|

Human v Natural Influences – Impact on Global Temperature

Based on a World Bank study discussed here, over the past 150 years, natural influences on global temperature have remained consistently between -0.5° and +0.5°F.  In effect, a few years up and a few years down, but never varying much.  The human influence had an even smaller variation, -0.2° and +0.2°F, through the 1920s.  From [...]

2023-05-28T14:23:54-04:00June 2nd, 2023|

3 Revolutions Currently In Play – Video of FutureTense talk by Gerd Leonhard

No matter what side of the aisle you sit, this video talk by Gerd Leonhard should be worth your time. Here are a few of the points made: There are 3 Revolutions in play Digital / AI Sustainability / Climate – 100x of digital/AI Purpose (people, planet, prosperity, purpose) In short, Leonhard believes our climate [...]

2023-05-28T10:28:44-04:00June 1st, 2023|

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