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So far David Goodman has created 641 blog entries.

$9 Trillion in Annual Sales is Looking for a Home

Recently, via this post, we estimated $500 billion in business will move from non-sustainable to sustainable businesses in 2024. This McKinsey study looks at growth potential tied to decarbonization and suggests capital and consumer demand shift to a low-carbon economy will produce $9t - $12t in annual sales by 2030. Further, failure to decarbonize could, [...]

2024-04-30T14:14:52-04:00May 7th, 2024|

Cancer – A tool for the fight

If you, or a loved one, is either fighting cancer, or wishing to pursue a stronger program of prevention, consider speaking with your doctor about the value of High Dose Melatonin Therapy. In this video, Dr. Frank Shallenberger discusses studies and results. Edenark Group’s A Better World Starts With Me and Gym For The Brain [...]

2024-04-29T08:09:47-04:00May 6th, 2024|

Lost Employee Cost for Your Company NOT being Environmentally Certified Sustainable

We know there are many benefits of being environmentally certified sustainable:   It is the right thing to do. We could stop here.   Certified sustainable companies are growing up to 20x faster than non-certified peers; 7 out of 10 consumers will move to a certified sustainable business; 25% of consumers already have moved their [...]

2024-04-28T10:25:13-04:00May 2nd, 2024|

Why have your business become certified sustainable?

As we have listed in other posts, your business should become environmentally certified sustainable via a globally-recognized/respected program with 3rd party verification because....: It is the right thing to do. We could stop here.   Certified sustainable companies are growing up to 20x faster than non-certified peers; 7 out of 10 consumers will move their [...]

2024-04-20T07:29:31-04:00April 30th, 2024|

Consumers’ Sustainability Demands Continue to Rise

Per this article by Harvard Business Review,   Millennials and Gen Z will soon pass Boomers in purchasing power   A highly trusted company outperforms its peers by up to 400%   Sustainability promotes trust with these younger consumers   If you want to win these younger consumers, you need to be a certified sustainable [...]

2024-04-20T07:28:50-04:00April 29th, 2024|

Employees Turned Off by Weak Corporate Sustainability Plans

Many companies that do not have sustainability programs, or that have weak ones, are experiencing the impact (either via employee exits or reduced employee enthusiasm) of not being part of a recognized and respected sustainability certification program.  Bottom line – If you do not have a credible sustainability program, the majority of your workers are [...]

2024-04-13T15:38:25-04:00April 25th, 2024|

Would you like to grow 2.7x faster than your competitors?

Per this article discussing a study by NYU/Stern and the IRI/NPD Group data firm, if you want to grow 2.7x faster than your competitors, you might want to think about your company becoming verifiably (ie, certified) sustainable.   The study says sustainability “has become a lasting priority for consumers” as 93% of consumers have either increased [...]

2024-04-13T15:35:45-04:00April 24th, 2024|

United Nations sounds the Red Alert on Rising Temperatures

After the record-setting heat of 2023, we are facing a potentially hotter year in 2024.  There is a 62% chance it will be moderated by a transition to La Niña.  This is good!  But even if moderated, there is the chance we absorb it and keep on getting hotter.  It is generally assumed we passed [...]

2024-04-07T13:54:25-04:00April 23rd, 2024|

Haymarket Media, Inc. Renews its Environmental Sustainability Certification through 2024

Haymarket Media, Inc. has renewed its Edenark Group ISO 14001 sustainability certification through 2024 for its New York City offices. Haymarket Media, Inc. is the US division of global media company Haymarket Media Group, which is internationally recognized for its environmental commitment and is ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 accredited in its UK offices. The [...]

2024-04-20T08:08:01-04:00April 22nd, 2024|

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