Edenark Group is excited to present our program, in partnership with UCapture, which allows you, as an individual, family, team or corporation, to offset your carbon footprint by doing nothing more than shopping like you have been.

By signing up, for free, you can, either as an individual or as part of a corporation, team or family, shop via +30,000 on-line stores, just like you are currently doing, and earn carbon credits that will then be used to offset your carbon footprint.

Simply go to this page on our website and under Option 1: Edenark Group / UCapture, click the box for an individual or the box for a corporation, group, team or family.  Once you have completed the free sign up, simply shop, and shop, and shop, and shop.

Although certainly not required, if you would like, we can also help you quantify your carbon footprint, define what offsets are needed for you or your organization to become carbon neutral, help you obtain them, and certify you as carbon neutral, once the offsets have been purchased.

If you were going to make an on-line purchase anyway, and there is no additional cost to you. why not help the planet while doing it?