Ready to have wet feet (and knees)?

Per this article, titled, “The beginning of the end?: Scientists sound the alarm as Antarctic sea ice hits record low for second year running”, the sea ice in Antarctica is melting at a record level. That’s bad enough.  But add it to this article, titled “So-called Doomsday Glacier is in trouble, scientists say after finding [...]

2023-02-21T16:30:37-05:00February 28th, 2023|

Dementia risk rises if you live with chronic pain

Some people have asked why we uniquely have a ‘people piece’ incorporated in our sustainability program.  In response, we ask – “How can you have a corporate sustainability program and not address the employees?” For most companies, your people are your biggest cost, biggest risk, biggest time commitment and biggest opportunity.  If we can help [...]

2023-02-21T16:10:05-05:00February 27th, 2023|

Fintech Finance News – Breathe!™ Pursues Edenark Group ISO 14001 Sustainability Certification

We are excited that Fintech Finance News is promoting 5AM Global d/b/a Breathe!™ for its pursuit of the Edenark Group ISO 14001 environmental sustainability certification. Breathe!™ is producing a Web3 Universe convention at the Las Vegas Convention Center this May 3-5, 2023.  If you are involved in, or interested in, the Web3 Universe, this is [...]

2023-02-21T10:06:39-05:00February 26th, 2023|

Climate Feedback Loops – Impacting Earth’s climate

Climate feedback loops are cyclical chain reactions that happen when one change triggers further changes, in a process that keeps on repeating itself. Some of these feedback loops drive down warming, but others amplify it. Take Arctic ice, for example. Warming temperatures cause sea ice to melt, revealing the dark ocean water beneath. As dark surfaces [...]

2023-02-20T15:58:28-05:00February 25th, 2023|

How impending EU laws on ESG disclosures will be a matter of survival for suppliers

This article speaks to the impact of the new EU rules on sustainability and carbon disclosures for Asian suppliers, but the message is the same, no matter where the supplier is located, and consistent with what we have been reporting. The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), due to be rolled out in 10 months, will [...]

2023-02-19T15:06:46-05:00February 24th, 2023|

Workplace Mental Health should be Cornerstone of Environmental Sustainability Program

It was wonderful to see this article on a speech given by Stephen Liptrap, of LifeWorks, where he said: “Both the environment and people’s mental health were taken for granted in the past. We now know that such inattention has dire long-term consequences. We have also seen that doing the right things for both people [...]

2023-02-19T15:08:44-05:00February 23rd, 2023|

Why Customers and Employees Expect Companies to Have a Sustainability Strategy

The video in this article covers the following points: A recent McKinsey & Co study shows that 60% of companies that introduced sustainability strategies saw improved profitability (we are seeing 100% in our studies) Publicly-traded companies are now being required to report their net zero and emission strategies, which will pressure the non-public companies that [...]

2023-02-19T15:07:52-05:00February 22nd, 2023|

SMEs stand to gain if they improve their ESG game

This article speaks to Hong Kong SMEs, but the message is the same, no matter where the SME is located, and consistent with what we have been reporting ESG is set to become a key factor for [SMEs] to increase their advantage, raise their reputation and attract investors Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) stand to [...]

2023-02-19T14:35:41-05:00February 21st, 2023|

What did we learn last week?

This is what we learned last week   We are facing serious climate problems, prompting some scary possible solutions. Consumers are using their purchasing power to show they want companies to be sustainable. Employees are frustrated and are leaving companies that don’t have strong sustainability programs. Larger companies are dropping vendors who cannot prove they [...]

2023-02-18T08:17:38-05:00February 20th, 2023|

How are you preparing for the Perfect Storm?

Ignoring environmental demand, consumer demand, employee demand, new talent demand, investor demand, lender demand and greater growth and profit for a moment….   Will the CSRD affect your business? Will the EU Climate Law affect your business? Will Net Zero affect your business?   As we have been reporting for some time, and as stated [...]

2023-02-15T14:02:25-05:00February 16th, 2023|

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