Please welcome our new Intern, Pascal Shuro, of Zimbabwe

Edenark Group is excited to welcome its newest intern – Pascal Shuro, of Harare, Zimbabwe. Pascal holds a BS, with honors, in Geography and Environmental Studies, from Midlands State University.  He also holds over a dozen certifications, including the Climate Change Science and Negotiations certificate from Colombia University, the Environmental and Social Risk Management certificate [...]

2023-03-29T15:26:33-04:00March 31st, 2023|

UES Renews its Edenark Group ISO 14001 Sustainability Certification Through 2023

UES, the fastest growing engineering and consulting firm in America, with +3,400 professionals across +70 locations, has renewed its Edenark Group ISO 14001 sustainability certification through 2023. Here is the UES press release.

2023-03-29T08:44:49-04:00March 30th, 2023|

Long Covid Symptoms

The Edenark Group ISO 14001 sustainability certification program includes a ‘people piece’ that helps individuals and corporate employees become happier, healthier and more productive. This part of our business is named A Better World Starts With Me and includes a retail high-altitude oxygen gym, named Gym For The Brain. This article talks about Long Covid [...]

2023-03-28T19:08:17-04:00March 29th, 2023|

Are You Telling a Story about Your Company that 90% of your Prospects Want to Hear?

This article, titled “Making Sense of ESG: One of the Biggest Storytelling Opportunities of the Next Decade”, talks about the need for companies to incorporate their ESG efforts into their corporate storytelling as it will positively impact performance and valuation. What stories are you currently telling? Given that 9 out of 10 consumers want your [...]

2023-03-28T04:32:57-04:00March 28th, 2023|

Renewable Energy Farms Outperform Coal Plants

Per a study discussed in this article, it is cheaper to build solar panels or cluster wind turbines than to keep operating coal plants. On average, solar is a third cheaper than coal. Coal is not going away in the short term.  But, if it is more cost-effective to operate wind and solar, it will [...]

2023-03-24T04:23:30-04:00March 26th, 2023|

The beginning of Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanisms (CBAMs) Video

As economies around the world set regulations for carbon emissions….and with those regulations come taxes for carbon producing companies….there is the natural tendency for heavy carbon emission producers to move manufacturing to less stringent countries. This is called Carbon Leakage. But it might not be so easy for companies to avoid the tax after all. [...]

2023-03-20T15:49:44-04:00March 25th, 2023|

Global Temperature Chart – 1850 to 2021

Per a new UN report discussed in this article and video, we are running out of time, as ‘The climate time-bomb is ticking’.   This chart gives you a visual of how global temperature has changed since 1850.   Via our posts, you have seen the names of many companies that have chosen to be [...]

2023-03-21T18:55:11-04:00March 24th, 2023|

Corporate Sustainability + Employee Performance Enhancement = Smart Business

Per studies by Merkle and Ginger, Corporate Sustainability and Wellness are going mainstream 70% of adults (18-55) care more about sustainability than they did a year earlier Further, companies are looking for ways to help employees address mental health 99% of CEOs are concerned about employee mental health 87% of employees report weekly stress, with [...]

2023-03-19T12:23:39-04:00March 20th, 2023|

Manufacturer’s Network Podcast: The Profitability of Sustainability Certification

Lisa Ryan, host of the Manufacturer's Network podcast, interviews David Goodman, CEO of Edenark Group, in Episode 14, titled, "The Profitability of Certified Sustainability". The interview discusses the value to a manufacturer, of becoming environmentally certified sustainable. Then, for those manufacturers who want to investigate sustainability further and want to know what to look for [...]

2023-03-18T13:04:22-04:00March 19th, 2023|

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