Doing the Right Thing can lead to a Good Thing

For organizational leaders who support the environment and ensuring a future for our children....and wish to be a leader and voice for same....there is no better program than the Edenark Group ISO 14001 This presentation explains why you might want to do the right thing and how it will become a good thing.  

2023-05-19T17:06:45-04:00May 21st, 2023|

In Search of Sunrise Series – Video #1

Edenark Group has a relationship with OneBlueOcean and the CEOs of the two companies are friends. OneBlueOcean is pursuing a noble cause and is doing wonderful work.  If you have a passion for our oceans, they are an organization you should know. We will occasionally share some of the videos produced by OneBlueOcean. Let’s start [...]

2023-05-19T16:06:37-04:00May 20th, 2023|

Ugh! Only 4% of Sustainability Funds meet combined requirements of US, UK and EU!

Per a study of +18,000 investment products discussed in this article, only 4% of funds with the word ‘sustainability’, or some version of it in the name, actually comply with all current and planned requirements of the US, UK and EU. Point is, we have two problems.  First, different governments have different rules.  Second, as [...]

2023-05-15T17:58:56-04:00May 17th, 2023|

EU Parliament votes to support new rules to combat Greenwashing!

In an overwhelming 544 in favor, 18 against and 17 abstentions, vote, discussed in this article, the EU Parliament supported a new rule that Bans the use of generic environmental claims, such as ‘environmentally friendly’, ‘natural’, ‘biodegradable’ or ‘eco’ if not supported by evidence; Bans green claims about whole products when only a part is [...]

2023-05-15T06:13:25-04:00May 16th, 2023|

Are You Doing All You Can to Grow Your Company?

Are You Doing All You Can to Grow Your Company?   HAVE YOU DONE EVERYTHING TO MAXIMIZE MARGINS? Per Nielsen, a certified sustainable company, promoting same, enjoys a 5% year-on-year price increase.  Its non-sustainable competitors grow prices 1% year-on-year. If you are not a certified sustainable company, and enjoying the promotional benefits of same, per [...]

2023-05-14T16:30:34-04:00May 15th, 2023|

What is the difference between Carbon Neutrality and Net Zero?

If you are confused by the phrases ‘Net Zero’ and ‘Carbon Neutral’, this is an excellent article. For a company – Net Zero incorporates all emissions involved with the process of the business, including things outside of your direct control, like suppliers.  It incorporates: Scope 1 – Direct carbon emissions from company-owned and controlled resources [...]

2023-05-12T17:41:28-04:00May 13th, 2023|

How Does Your Company Define Sustainability?

This article in MassBio News asks the question "How does your company define sustainability?" At Edenark Group, we have always felt the answer to this question is key as to whether an organization decides to become environmentally sustainable....and if that organization remains sustainable year after year. This is why we start our website presentation with [...]

2023-05-10T16:13:56-04:00May 12th, 2023|

For Greenwashers – Tick Tock

Per this article, later this month, on the 22nd of March, 2023, the European Commission will publish a proposal for a new directive on Green Claims made by products/services. We all know consumers want companies to be sustainable. We all know data shows sustainable companies perform dramatically better than their non-sustainable peers. This puts tremendous [...]

2023-05-09T19:15:15-04:00May 11th, 2023|

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