Wash Talk: The Car Wash Podcast – Risks of Greenwashing

In this episode of Wash Talk:  The Carwash Podcast, Rich DiPaolo, Associate Publisher of Professional Carwashing & Detailing magazine and host of the podcast, asked David Goodman, CEO of Edenark Group, to explain greenwashing, the risks of same, and what companies should do to satisfy market demand that they show they are environmentally proactive, without [...]

2024-06-06T15:54:28-04:00June 11th, 2024|

WXED 107.3 FM Interview with David Goodman of Edenark Group

Mary Ann Shaner, of WXED Radio, 107.3 FM, conducted this interview with David Goodman, which will air on WXED at 12 noon EST on June 11, 13 and 15, 2024. We appreciate Mary Ann's interest in our work, and WXED supporting sustainability by providing this free air time.   

2024-05-26T08:17:31-04:00June 10th, 2024|

Today is World Environment Day 2024

A few weeks ago, we published this post to prepare for World Environment Day. Today is the day! What is your company doing to celebrate?  If you forgot about it, or didn’t plan anything, don’t overthink it. Celebrate in whatever way is convenient for you.  Like all things in life, taking that first step is [...]

2024-06-05T04:29:32-04:00June 5th, 2024|

Landlords – Are you maximizing your occupancy and rent?

Per this JLL article, soaring demand for sustainable / low carbon offices will outstrip supply. – Green-certified buildings enjoy the following premiums +7.1% in North America +11.6% in London +9.9% in Asia So, the question – Is your building certified sustainable? Answer – Probably not. Reason – You have run the numbers and the cost [...]

2024-06-03T04:21:59-04:00June 3rd, 2024|

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