About David Goodman

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So far David Goodman has created 641 blog entries.

Would you like to get a premium when you sell your company?

Per Deloitte – 83% of M&A buyers would pay a 3% premium to acquire a company with solid environmental, social and governance performance 14% of M&A buyers would pay a 6% premium to acquire a company with solid environmental, social and governance performance 67% of M&A buyers would seek a 3% discount if your environmental, [...]

2024-09-02T16:58:09-04:00September 24th, 2024|

Should you steer your small company to lead or follow when it comes to sustainability?

This article gives the following 10 reasons why you should steer your small company to lead, not follow, when it comes to sustainability: If you are part of a supply chain – As we have said, if you are part of a supply chain, you are part of your client’s Scope 3. You can retain [...]

2024-09-02T15:40:03-04:00September 23rd, 2024|

Would you like to grow your B2B market share?

As we have stated in the past, and as this article discusses, larger companies need their vendors to be able to prove their environmental sustainability.  This is due to:   Vendors are part of the client’s Carbon Emission Scope 3   Any organization that already has a sustainability program (which +97% of large companies do) [...]

2024-09-01T10:13:06-04:00September 19th, 2024|

Would you like to sell products/services to Governments?

Have you often thought it would be great to be able to sell products/services to governments, but not known how to qualify? Have you ever heard of GPP? GPP is Green Public Procurement.  This is where governments seek to source products/services with a reduced environmental impact.  This article talks about the advantages to companies in [...]

2024-09-01T08:42:24-04:00September 18th, 2024|

Who should Pay for the Climate Change Cleanup?

Who do you think should pay for the climate change cleanup that we are facing? This article talks about a UN report that is recommending the business community pay for the cleanup caused by climate change. We do not believe this concept will be adopted/supported in its current form in the near-term. However, we believe [...]

2024-09-01T08:35:59-04:00September 16th, 2024|

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