Are you part of a supply chain? If so, prepare for sustainability compliance audits.

As we have reported for some time, and as this article explains, if you are part of a supply chain, prepare for your clients to conduct due diligence audits to confirm your environmental sustainability commitment and compliance. Just saying you are sustainable is not going to satisfy the compliance audits by your clients, as they [...]

2024-10-12T11:06:04-04:00October 17th, 2024|

Is your company greenwashing?

97% of large companies have sustainability departments; but many have internally-constructed, non-global-standard-aligned, non-scalable, non-3rd-party-audited, sustainability programs.  Many of these programs were created to ‘look good’ but not designed to survive the stress test of external accountability. SMEs have it worse.  Less than 1% of SMEs have sustainability programs of any kind. As consumer/client (B2B and [...]

2024-10-16T05:56:00-04:00October 16th, 2024|

Unlimited Auto Wash – Keeping the Bar High!

Remember when you were in school and a teacher would let you grade your own test?  The eraser would come out and a C-grade effort became an A-grade score. Studies show that +70% of CEOs admit their companies are greenwashing in order to mislead you into purchasing their product or service.  If +70% admit to [...]

2024-10-14T08:32:38-04:00October 14th, 2024|

Is Your Company Addressing the Demands of Today’s World?

Most companies have these departmental responsibilities: Operations / Finance – Seeks profitability, efficiency, cost reduction Marketing / Sales – Seeks differentiation from competition, a talking point that resonates HR / Admin – Seeks employee performance, health, happiness Studies from Nielsen, Harvard Business Review, HP, Deloitte, Fast Company, MIT, BAR, Symbola, NYU/Stern, Forbes, et cetera, tell [...]

2024-10-05T10:42:23-04:00October 14th, 2024|

Dementia risk rises if you live with chronic pain

Some people have asked why we uniquely have a ‘people piece’ incorporated in our sustainability program.  In response, we ask – “How can you have a corporate sustainability program and not address the employees?” For most companies, your people are your biggest cost, biggest risk, biggest time commitment and biggest opportunity.  If we can help [...]

2024-10-05T09:00:38-04:00October 8th, 2024|

Gven the low unemployment rate, how do you hire and retain workers?

The unemployment rate in the US is at 4.1%.  The EU is roughly 6%. How do you find, hire and retain workers in a sellers market? This article in the New York Post reports on this study and is consistent with other studies we have reported.  Key points Almost two-thirds of respondents stated they were [...]

2024-10-05T08:51:11-04:00October 7th, 2024|

Are you achieving your 2024 budget so far?

2024 is 75% behind us! We all forecasted a budget for the year. Some of us are confident….and some of us are scratching our heads, wondering where the plan went wrong. Per this study by University of California at Riverside, brands committed to sustainability are growing 4x faster than their non-sustainable peers.  NYU/Stern says it [...]

2024-09-30T08:55:14-04:00October 3rd, 2024|

Budget Planning – Low Hanging Fruit

Most of us are beginning 2025 budget season....and will be trying to find a way to achieve next year’s growth goals. Per an 8 country (US, Germany, Italy, France, Japan, China, India and Brazil) study by Boston Consulting Group, discussed in this article…. 80% of participants reported considering sustainability when making a purchase 70% are [...]

2024-09-30T08:50:32-04:00October 2nd, 2024|

Survey – 91% of workers would forgo job perks in favor of reducing environmental impact

Workers around the world want their employers to put more attention against environmental impact; and are willing to put their money where their mouths are. Per this Honeywell Survey 91% of respondents would forgo job perks if the cost was reinvested in reducing their workplace environmental impact 26% would sacrifice some of their pay if [...]

2024-09-28T14:11:30-04:00October 1st, 2024|

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