70% of consumers will abandon non-sustainable brands

Per this article, an Oracle study produced the following, which is consistent with other studies we have seen: 70% of consumers will abandon brands that do not take sustainability seriously 87% of consumes will pay a premium for products from companies that demonstrate environmental and social progress 78% are frustrated with the progress businesses are [...]

2023-01-26T17:14:27-05:00January 30th, 2023|

ESG Gets Teeth with EU’s Corporate Sustainability Directive

Per this article in Bloomberg Tax, the EU actions, such as the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), may soon expose US and other non-EU multinational corporations to a novel type of tax reporting. In short, since the 28 November 2022 CSRD, many believe reporting will start with the 2024 fiscal tax year. Here is the [...]

2023-01-25T19:36:23-05:00January 29th, 2023|

New York Post – Workers are gravitating to sustainable companies

This article in the New York Post reports on this study and is consistent with other studies we have reported.  Key points Almost two-thirds of respondents stated they were more likely to apply to a job for a company that committed to sustainable practices. Three out of five respondents said they avoid employers they perceive [...]

2023-01-25T15:46:32-05:00January 28th, 2023|

UN Global Compact-Accenture CEO Study

The following are a few points from a new United Nations Global Compact-Accenture study on CEOs.  At the bottom is how this will effect you. 98% of CEOs believe it is their role to make their company sustainable (up from 83% in 2013) 75% of CEOs are launching sustainable products/services 72% of CEOs believe they [...]

2023-01-25T07:28:59-05:00January 27th, 2023|

The booming impact of ESG in business

This article in Education Times suggests that whether companies look at consumer engagement, risk management, or profitability, it is clear, ESG is the future of business. A few of the key points Per a PWC study, 83% of consumers want your company to have an ESG program Per the same PWC study, 86% of job [...]

2023-01-23T19:11:22-05:00January 25th, 2023|

Influence of ESG on Private Debt Pricing

Per this article in Private Equity News, ESG is now included in most debt financing deals. The inclusion of ESG in private loan documents is designed to incentivize companies to improve. The "ESG margin ratchet" is now commonplace in debt deals and provides for tiered pricing that goes up or down, depending on the borrower [...]

2023-01-21T18:42:59-05:00January 24th, 2023|

Bank of America CEO – ESG is here to stay

There has been a lot of talk and confusion around ESG over the past year. Let’s explain some of the confusion. Sustainability is the ‘E’ in ESG.  It is doing fine. When a company expands its internal policies to include systems, documentation and disclosure to improve on the ‘S’ (ie, Social) and the ‘G’ (Governance), [...]

2023-01-19T16:27:32-05:00January 22nd, 2023|

What are Large Global Banks doing about Climate Change….and how will this affect your business?

The G-SIB are 30 global banks whose failure poses disproportionate risks to the global economy and whose assets represent nearly 63% of global banking assets as of year-end 2021.  The list is shown on Table A1 of the attached Board of Governors of the US Federal Reserve report that discusses what these banks are doing [...]

2023-01-17T20:52:39-05:00January 21st, 2023|

BizCommunity – 4 Trends that will influence SMEs in 2023

Per this BizCommunity article, below are the four trends that will influence SMEs in 2023.   We then add our comments to each.   Women-led ventures breaking barriers   ESG and social entrepreneurship   The fourth industrial revolution   Storytelling for SME incubators and support programs   Besides being one of the four, as you [...]

2023-01-19T18:52:40-05:00January 20th, 2023|

Are You a Startup or Early Stage? Sustainability Enhances your Funding and Growth

Per the study in this report, if you have a startup or scale-up and your organization is aligned with the UN’s SDGs (Sustainability Development Goals): You are less likely to fail Funding for SDG-relevant startups has doubled in just the past two years You are more likely to raise a Series A round of funding [...]

2023-01-19T07:51:28-05:00January 19th, 2023|

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