67% of Consumers are looking to purchase Sustainable Products

Per a Deloitte study on purchasing, reported via this 2023 article, 67% of consumers are looking to purchase sustainable products. This is consistent with other studies we have reported on. This is not a prediction of future events.  This is now.  Actually, given that it is a 2023 article, odds are the percentage is higher [...]

2024-03-17T10:13:30-04:00March 27th, 2024|

YouDecide is offering the Edenark Group Services

YouDecide, a voluntary benefits company that provides premium products and services to employees of large organizations, is offering the following services on its platform, to some of its clients: Edenark Group environmental sustainability certification services to corporations Edenark Group carbon neutrality certification services to individuals, families and corporations A Better World Starts With Me products [...]

2024-03-16T14:23:56-04:00March 26th, 2024|

Ocean temperatures have set new record highs every day for a year!

Per this article, global ocean temperatures started breaking daily records in mid-March 2023 and have set a new record every day….and continue as of this writing. This will impact the coral reefs – We have already lost +80% of our coral reefs. This will negatively impact the balance.  25% of all marine life depend on [...]

2024-03-18T18:24:59-04:00March 21st, 2024|

Is the short-term money worth being caught for greenwashing?

The quick answer – No!   Per this article, another company lost a court case in which it was unable to support its sustainability claims. We all know climate concerns are the #1 thing on consumer’s minds. We all know consumers want your business to show it is a Good Corporate Citizen by showing you [...]

2024-03-18T17:48:31-04:00March 19th, 2024|

What should an environmental sustainability program include?

The world needs all the environmentally-supportive programs it can get. That said, this article on the struggles of a small program (approximately 1% as large as our standard) is a good backdrop for us to re-state what we believe in and deliver. Per this master class, there are 8 components of a sustainability program that [...]

2024-03-02T14:59:43-05:00March 18th, 2024|

Another Ouch!

Zalando, a publically-traded online fashion retailer with over 50 million active users, has agreed to remove misleading sustainability flags and icons that suggest products are more environmentally friendly than they are. Why do companies overstep on their sustainability claims?  Because consumers are demanding sustainability and exaggerating is the easiest and fastest solution. But it is [...]

2024-03-07T15:19:45-05:00March 14th, 2024|

Have you considered being a referral partner?

Due to studies, the #1 issue on the minds of people around the world is the environment (ie, we are using our resources faster than Mother Earth can replenish and we are accelerating our carbon-emissions-driven global warming).  The world we are passing to our children will be far hotter and angrier than the world we [...]

2024-03-06T19:47:44-05:00March 13th, 2024|

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