About edenarkdev

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So far edenarkdev has created 59 blog entries.

Would you like a top blog influencer helping to promote your company?

At #28 (up from #31 last year) among ALL corporate blogs and websites, including Microsoft, Apple, HP and Cisco, Edenark Group is the top sustainability/environmental/Green blog on Feedspot - link Think about the impact on your brand, of having Edenark Group helping you promote your sustainability certification to a world looking for certified sustainable companies. [...]

2025-03-01T11:57:43-05:00March 6th, 2025|

The Growing Role of Sustainability in Small Business Marketing

How much do you spend on all your advertising and marketing? How are you differentiating your business from your peers in those ads, your website and your marketing brochures? Are your points of difference what consumers are looking for? Are you getting your money’s worth out of those ads by connecting with your audience? Are [...]

2025-03-01T11:47:54-05:00March 5th, 2025|

Would you like to add 7 points to your Total Shareholder Return?

Per this McKinsey study, companies that have a Triple Play (Growth + Profit + Sustainability) dramatically outperform their peers on Total Shareholder Return (TSR).   36% of companies that lagged on sustainability showed negative growth; while 0% of the Triple Play companies showed negative growth   19% of the companies that lagged on sustainability grew [...]

2025-03-01T11:42:47-05:00March 3rd, 2025|

Are You Giving Your Customers What They Want?

9 out of 10 consumers want your business to be environmentally certified sustainable. 7 out of 10 will shift their purchases and loyalty if they find a certified sustainable company. That’s +$2 Trillion in low hanging fruit for those that want to take market share.  Is there anything your company is currently spending money on [...]

2025-02-24T13:58:37-05:00February 27th, 2025|

We Set the New Record on our Watch!

As previously reported, 2024 was the hottest year since we started recording global temperature.  It exceeded 2023, the previous record holder, by a wide margin. With the 2024 increase, we exceeded the +1.5°C warming threshold that scientists were trying to avoid via the Paris Agreement.    We can all tell our children we each had [...]

2025-02-24T13:54:49-05:00February 26th, 2025|

Maybe we should raise our prices!

This article talks about a neurologist who has determined that hyperbaric chamber oxygen can be improved upon.  He is using a combination of hyperbaric chamber ‘rich’ oxygen and hypoxia (ie,‘high-altitude’ oxygen) to ‘trick the body into thinking it is in danger of oxygen deprivation.  In response, the body activates powerful repair mechanisms.’ The benefits? Recovery from cognitive [...]

2025-02-19T18:06:51-05:00February 25th, 2025|

Unlimited Auto Wash Club Renews its Sustainability Certification through 2025 at all Six Locations

Press Release  Unlimited Auto Wash Club is a 100% Full-Service Hand Car Wash that serves South Florida via six locations and over 175 employees. It cares deeply about the environment and the community it serves and has renewed its Edenark Group ISO 14001 environmental sustainability certification for all six locations through 2025. Any organization, in any industry, that [...]

2025-02-17T17:10:28-05:00February 24th, 2025|

When was the last time you saw +90% of any group agree on something?

Per this Kearney study the World Economic Forum projects a ‘bleak outlook’ for the next decade due to environmental risks.  Driven by this picture of the future combined with current performance…. 95% of CFOs plan to allocate over 1.1% of their revenues to sustainability in 2025 94% of CFOs incorporate sustainability considerations in their overall [...]

2025-02-19T18:06:16-05:00February 19th, 2025|

Are Your Advisors Sustainability Leaders or Followers?

This article asks if your board is a sustainability leader or follower? As most privately owned companies do not have a board of directors, let’s broaden the statement to say... -“Are those that you turn for advice knowledgeable on sustainability, and capable of providing you with sound guidance?” We know: Consumers, B2C clients, workers, governments, [...]

2025-02-09T09:31:45-05:00February 18th, 2025|

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