In The News2022-05-29T19:42:09-04:00

Find and see the best corporate environmental sustainability news, posts and stories here, at Edenark Group’s “IN THE NEWS.” Let us know if you have environmental sustainability news you would like us to add.

Gven the low unemployment rate, how do you hire and retain workers?

The unemployment rate in the US is at 4.1%.  The EU is roughly 6%.

How do you find, hire and retain workers in a sellers market?

This article in the New York Post reports on this study and is consistent with other studies we have reported.  Key points

  • Almost two-thirds of respondents stated they were more likely to apply to a job for a company that committed to sustainable practices.
  • Three out of five respondents said they avoid employers they perceive as having a negative impact on the environment.
  • 54% of respondents said that sustainability played a role in their motivation to work remotely.

Simple math – If you are looking to hire and 60% of the possible candidates will avoid you if they perceive your company is a negative impact on the environment, your hiring effort will be negatively impacted.

Sure, you can mask it.  But once they learn the truth, and they quit, the cost to you will be greater than had they not taken the position in the first place.

The Under 40 worker wants to work for a company that can prove it cares about the environment.  The Under 26 worker has an even higher expectation of same.

Those are the workers that are the future of your company.

If want an advantage hiring and retaining workers, read this on what you want in a sustainability program, watch this master class, and contact us.

October 7th, 2024|

Are you achieving your 2024 budget so far?

2024 is 75% behind us!

We all forecasted a budget for the year.

Some of us are confident….and some of us are scratching our heads, wondering where the plan went wrong.

Per this study by University of California at Riverside, brands committed to sustainability are growing 4x faster than their non-sustainable peers.  NYU/Stern says it is 7x.  Symbola says 20x.

Further, 66% of consumers say they will pay more for sustainable brands. 

What would higher prices and 4x sales have done for your 2024 plans?

What could it do for your 2025 plan?

If this sounds interesting, read this on what you want in a sustainability program, watch this master class, and contact us.


October 3rd, 2024|

Budget Planning – Low Hanging Fruit

Most of us are beginning 2025 budget season….and will be trying to find a way to achieve next year’s growth goals.

Per an 8 country (US, Germany, Italy, France, Japan, China, India and Brazil) study by Boston Consulting Group, discussed in this article….

  • 80% of participants reported considering sustainability when making a purchase
  • 70% are suspicious of potential greenwashing activity by businesses
  • 20-43% are ‘silent stakeholders’, which are defined as consumers willing to be persuaded to choose a product that makes a credible and compelling sustainable statement

When you are planning for 2025 and looking for low hanging fruit, think about the combination of these three points – the vast majority of consumers are looking for sustainable companies but are wary of those that falsely claim they are sustainable; and 20 – 43% of them are ‘up for grabs’ in that they are willing to be convinced to choose your product if you can convince them you are legitimately (ie, certified) sustainable.

Think of the impact that 20-43% would have on attaining your growth objectives.

Edenark Group can help you become certified sustainable, differentiate from your competitive peers, and appeal to those consumers.  Here is a flyer on the benefits of our program.

October 2nd, 2024|

Survey – 91% of workers would forgo job perks in favor of reducing environmental impact

Workers around the world want their employers to put more attention against environmental impact; and are willing to put their money where their mouths are.

Per this Honeywell Survey

  • 91% of respondents would forgo job perks if the cost was reinvested in reducing their workplace environmental impact
  • 26% would sacrifice some of their pay if the funds were invested in reducing environmental impact

Are you spending money against reducing environmental impact?  Are you generating a positive ROI from it?  If your answer to either question is ‘no’, watch this webinar and give us a call.

October 1st, 2024|

Are you a CPA or bookkeeper looking to grow your business?

When we start 2025 and the shift from voluntary to mandatory reporting of sustainability data kicks in, all accounting professionals will feel the impact.

Per this article, from SEC Climate Reporting to ESG Documentation, to Supply Chain Information Requests, to Scope 3, big and small accounting firms will be taxed with the impact of sustainability demands.

This brings us to a post we did a while back, where we question how well accounting firms are going to be in providing guidance on a topic most have never experienced. 

If you really want to differentiate your accounting firm from the competition, and give good advice to your clients, walk the talk, like this CPA firm – become a certified sustainable business and add street smarts to book smarts.   

This also will allow you to satisfy your client’s Scope 3 requirements.  

You will benefit and your clients will benefit.

If you want to have experience in a topic you are giving advice on, and want to differentiate from your peers, read this on what you want in a sustainability program, watch this master class, and contact us.

September 30th, 2024|

Should companies be fined for greenwashing?

Some people say all marketing and promotion is a form of deception.

Knowing consumers want to support environmentally sustainable companies, is it wrong for companies to misrepresent their environmental commitments?

If you ask the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) and the Australian Federal Court, the answer is yes – if you greenwash you will be pursued.

Current score – ASIC 1, Greenwashers 0

This article discusses the $11.3 million penalty that Mercer Superannuation (Australia) Limited has agreed to pay for greenwashing.

Simply stated, we all know consumers are demanding your company prove its environmental commitment.

Those consumers will move their business from you to a sustainable company.

You feel the pressure.

Do you do what Mercer did and risk being caught or do you do the right thing and get certified/verified?

If you want to be on the right side of the law, do good for the environment, and also get ahead of your competitors, read this on what you want in a sustainability program, watch this master class, and contact us.

September 25th, 2024|

Would you like to get a premium when you sell your company?

Per Deloitte

  • 83% of M&A buyers would pay a 3% premium to acquire a company with solid environmental, social and governance performance
  • 14% of M&A buyers would pay a 6% premium to acquire a company with solid environmental, social and governance performance
  • 67% of M&A buyers would seek a 3% discount if your environmental, social and governance performance is weak
  • 73% of M&A buyers have killed a purchase due to what they uncovered in their due diligence on environmental, social and governance performance

These numbers will continue to trend stronger for environmental, social and governance performance. 

Remember, it takes time to build a program.  If you plan to sell your company in 2025, you have already lost the opportunity for a premium and you are now just looking at how much you will be shorted, assuming you can even get the deal done.

If you don’t mind being seen as a leader that is helping the environment, and also want to sell your business at a premium, read this on what you want in a sustainability program, watch this master class, and contact us.

September 24th, 2024|

Should you steer your small company to lead or follow when it comes to sustainability?

This article gives the following 10 reasons why you should steer your small company to lead, not follow, when it comes to sustainability:

  • If you are part of a supply chain – As we have said, if you are part of a supply chain, you are part of your client’s Scope 3. You can retain that client and win new clients if you become certified sustainable.
  • Government work – Many governments are already using sustainability as a gating item in the selection of vendors. You can win business if you are certified sustainable.
  • Efficiency – You cannot become certified under our program without our helping you lower your energy usage and cost.
  • Lower cost of money – Debt and equity providers are rewarding certified sustainable companies with lower cost of money on both the debt and equity side.
  • Competitive advantage – The #1 thing on the minds of consumers is the environment and they are rewarding certified sustainable companies with their purchases. 7 out of 10 consumers will move their loyalty if they find a certified sustainable alternative.
  • Impact investment – a certified sustainable company can become an Impact Company, improving its attractiveness to charity donors and impact investors.
  • Hiring and retaining staff – You can hire for less and retain staff longer if you are a certified sustainable company.
  • Marketing and PR – Due to what consumers want to hear, your ad spend will be seen, remembered and responded to, materially better if you include being a certified sustainable company.
  • Leading the way – Showing that you are a leader, not a follower, differentiates you from the pack, on the #1 issue.
  • The best you can be – Being environmentally certified sustainable shows you are at the top of your game and separates you from your peers.

Your choice – you can lead or follow.  But….if you choose to lead, besides doing the right thing, certified sustainable companies are growing up to 20x faster than their non-certified peers.  That’s not a bad side benefit.

If you don’t mind being seen as a leader that is helping the environment, and also want to grow your business, read this on what you want in a sustainability program, watch this master class, and contact us.

September 23rd, 2024|

Would you like to grow your B2B market share?

As we have stated in the past, and as this article discusses, larger companies need their vendors to be able to prove their environmental sustainability.  This is due to:


  • Vendors are part of the client’s Carbon Emission Scope 3


  • Any organization that already has a sustainability program (which +97% of large companies do) is mandated by its Scope 3 obligations to use vendors that can prove they are sustainable and have a carbon emissions program


  • Any organization that has made a Net Zero claim is required by its Scope 3 obligations to use vendors that can prove they are sustainable and have a carbon emissions program


  • Any organization that operates within a government that has carbon emission reporting requirements are required by their Scope 3 reporting obligations to use vendors that can prove they are sustainable and have a carbon emissions program

Many of you have received Scope 3 letters from your clients.  The rest of you, who are selling B2B, will receive a Scope 3 letter.  This is the initial notification from your client that you will need to ‘get on board’ with sustainability and emissions reporting, if you wish to retain their business.

For those of you saying, “We have not heard anything about this.  We don’t think it is real,” now that governments are mandating climate reporting, the process has begun. 

This can be viewed as a curse or as an opportunity.  For those of you who see it as a curse, you will wait until you are forced to comply.  At that point, the cost of becoming certified and the cost of protecting or recovering market share will be high.

For those who see this as an opportunity, you realize your prospects and clients MUST have vendors that can prove their sustainability commitment…..and they are out of time.  They are desperate to find vendors that are certified sustainable.  All you need to do is become certified and market that certification documentation to your prospects and clients. 

If you don’t mind doing something good, are a proactive leader, and also want to take market share, read this on what you want in a sustainability program, watch this master class, and contact us.

September 19th, 2024|

Would you like to sell products/services to Governments?

Have you often thought it would be great to be able to sell products/services to governments, but not known how to qualify?

Have you ever heard of GPP?

GPP is Green Public Procurement.  This is where governments seek to source products/services with a reduced environmental impact. 

This article talks about the advantages to companies in Ireland, but GPP is global.

This is not a complete list, but here are some countries that have GPP programs in place:

  • Australia
  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Canada
  • Chile
  • Denmark
  • Estonia
  • France
  • Germany
  • Iceland
  • Israel
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • Korea
  • Latvia
  • Lithuania
  • Netherlands
  • New Zealand
  • Norway
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Slovak Republic
  • Slovenia
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • UK
  • USA

If you don’t mind doing something good, and also want to move to the front of the procurement line with governments, read this on what you want in a sustainability program, watch this master class, and contact us.

September 18th, 2024|

Use Sustainability Certification to make a positive impact on your company’s bottom line, your employees, your community and the environment.

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