About David Goodman

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So far David Goodman has created 641 blog entries.

Unlimited Auto Wash at Lighthouse Drive in North Palm Beach has become an Environmentally Certified Sustainable Business

Unlimited Auto Wash located at Lighthouse Drive in North Palm Beach, FL, is part of the seven-location Unlimited Auto Wash Club that serves South Florida.  Unlimited Auto Wash is a 100% Full Service Hand Car Wash with over 170 employees.  It cares deeply about the environment and the community it serves, and has pursued and [...]

2024-02-11T08:47:08-05:00February 14th, 2024|

As Greenwashing Soars, Pick Your Program Wisely

Per this article, greenwashing is soaring: The #1 issue in the world is the environment and consumers are rewarding companies they feel are environmentally friendly This causes companies to misrepresent their sustainability achievements, which is greenwashing It also creates an opportunity to make a bad decision on the program you select Net, many are knowingly [...]

2024-02-12T18:33:32-05:00February 13th, 2024|

Litigation over Sustainability Claims Shows No Signs of Abating

As we have continually stressed: If you are self-certified, or self-audited, or aligned with a non-global sustainability standard, or aligned with no standard, or do not have 3rd party validation, odds are, your sustainability/environmental/eco/green claims will be questioned and possibly attacked This could lead to litigation This article talks about litigation and delisting and includes [...]

2024-02-05T09:45:53-05:00February 12th, 2024|

We are up to 4% of SMEs measuring carbon emissions!

Per this article Nearly 4% of SMEs measure carbon emissions Almost 5% of SMEs measure their renewable energy use 27% have sustainability leadership positions And, almost 33% have social / environmental committees Are these numbers lower than we want?  Of course. But are these numbers much larger than they were a few years ago?  Absolutely! [...]

2024-02-04T09:00:05-05:00February 8th, 2024|

Unlimited Auto Wash at Frenchman’s in Palm Beach Gardens has become an Environmentally Certified Sustainable Business

Unlimited Auto Wash located at Frenchman’s, in Palm Beach Gardens, FL, is part of the seven-location Unlimited Auto Wash Club that serves South Florida.  Unlimited Auto Wash is a 100% Full Service Hand Car Wash with over 170 employees.  It cares deeply about the environment and the community it serves, and has pursued and attained [...]

2024-02-04T07:29:22-05:00February 7th, 2024|

Have you considered being a referral partner?

Due to studies, the #1 issue on the minds of people around the world is the environment (ie, we are using our resources faster than Mother Earth can replenish and we are accelerating our carbon-emissions-driven global warming).  The world we are passing to our children will be far hotter and angrier than the world we [...]

2024-02-05T17:32:57-05:00February 5th, 2024|

10 Things that should be Top of Mind in 2024

Per this article in the Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance, these are the 10 things that should be top of mind in 2024.  Many of these are consistent with other lists we have recently shown.   As more mandatory ESG requirements come into effect, associated potential liabilities are likely to correspondingly increase, with [...]

2024-01-31T09:33:36-05:00February 5th, 2024|

Is your self-certified sustainability program ready to be 3rd party audited?

As we have been saying for over a year, and as this article states, 3rd party auditing is coming to the world of sustainability reporting….and sustainability claims. In 11 months (1/1/25), companies impacted by the European Union’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) will not only need to disclose (on 2024 data) their risks and opportunities [...]

2024-01-30T10:19:25-05:00February 2nd, 2024|

Are you part of the Majority or are you a Laggard?

The Innovation Bell Curve starts with Innovators, then Early Adaptors, then Early Majority, then Late Majority, and finally, Laggards.   Per this article: 52% of organizations say they will increase sustainability investment this year (+57% from last year) 63% say the business case for sustainability is clear (+300% from last year) 48% feel climate change [...]

2024-01-24T13:58:00-05:00February 1st, 2024|

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